Gites Cotisations Classification 2017

· Viewed 1500 times

I am just completing my first declaration trimestrielle and I am confused as to which box I should be completing “Ventes de Marchandises” at 14.1% or “prestations de services commerciales ou artisanales” at 24.4% ( I pay tax in with my cotisations).
I had been under the impression from speaking to others and reading articles elsewhere that it should be declared in the higher category to pay 24.4% as my gites are currently unclassified and it is only classified/star rated gites that can benefit from the lower percentage.
Also that it would fall in the lower 33k euro limit for turnover for 2017 rather than the higher turnover limit.
I have completed the forms for my local Mairie (but they are automatically produced for you to complete and give to their office when you register for the Taxe de Sejour). I will hopefully apply for a rating sometime this year.
Perhaps you could clarify whether my thinking is correct?

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