Glenda’s question on conjoint collaborateur
We arrived in France 3 weeks ago and wish to set my husband up as an ME we live in an area that has a large amounts of holiday lets, and very few workers so there is a high demand, back in UK we ran our own plumbing and heating company and wish to calm things down a bit now in France.
Which would be the best option to register as a plumber adding handyman or registering as services de conciergerie pour propriétaiares de gites is the later allowed to physically allowed to do any works that need doing or just arrange for the trades needed to.
What would be the diff. for social charges and would there be any advantages/ disadvantages of myself being a conjoint collaborator, I also need to get into the healthcare system(we do have 6 month private insurance in place) would it be cheaper for me to start my own side of gite services.
Is it just artisans that came benefit from ACCRE SS reductions or any trade and can anyone benefit from this or do you need to be a job seeker etc.?
We also have our own gite that we have rented for the past 10 years paying someone else to do turnarounds the accounts for this are done under the reel regime can we as the ME bill us as the gite owners for this service.