Has my business in France been closed down?

· Viewed 1188 times

I registered in France as an auto-entrepreneur business in March 2016. I received a SIRET number and opened a professional bank account. Since then I did very little work with this business and have not registered any income declarations. I tried to do this today, and it seems that as the system is changing, January and February declarations have been deferred and I can’t make a declaration until 10 April 2017.

With the summer season approaching, I am planning now to start really working at this business, so I need the auto-entrepreneur status to continue.

  1. I was told a while back that if I didn’t make any business declaration within a year, my status as auto-entrepreneur would automatically cease - is that true?
  2. I am very confused about who I should pay and how much. For instance, should I be paying URSSAF or someone?
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