Has my online declaration 4th trimester 2013 been processed?

· Viewed 1639 times

I went to complete my online declaration, as normal, to make my final 4th trimester declaration of 2013 on the 3rd of January 2014. I printed out my completed form and clicked envoyer. Now normally I am taken to another screen that confirms that it has been sent and I also get an confirmation email. Neither happened. Instead, the only option was deconnexion. When I clicked this, I was taken to net-entreprises.fr - where I did not know how to progress so closed the page.

Today (2 weeks later) I went back into the lautoentrepreneur.fr website to see if things had updated and the option to make my declaration is still there. It should not be if I had made my declaration - and when I click on the link I am sent to the declaration form page where all my information is still sitting there as they were 2 weeks ago.

I clicked disconnect (my only option) and was taken to the net enterprise site once again. This time I decided to try and make the declaration there but was redirected back to the familiar declaration form only to be greeted with my completed declaration once again!

What should I do? What has happened? Has my declaration be processed or not?

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