Has the Auto-entreprise been set up correctly?

· Viewed 773 times

My husband and I just created our Auto-entreprise via the portal ‘portail-autoentrepreneur.fr’ and now received different documents from chambre de commerce and direction générale des finances publiques.

Now, the confirmation letter we received from the chambre de commerce is saying:
concernant le(s) événement(s) suivant(s): création d’une entreprise individuelle

and the questionnaire from the direction générale des finances publiques is asking for the name of the accountant.

Two questions:
1. how can I make sure the company has been set up the right way (as an auto- or micro-entreprise)? Does ‘: création d’une entreprise individuelle’ indicate that something went wrong?
2. as an auto-entreprise, will we need an external accountant? and if not will we have to keep a proper P&L and balance sheet (even if income tax is calculated on revenue)?

Thanks a lot for your help

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