Haven’t received my Carte Vitale in France?

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My situation is that I registered as auto-entrepreneur company in France in 10.08.09, I received SIRET and made my turnover declarations, but haven’t received my Carte Vitale. So I went to RSI at first, they told me to go URSSAF, which I did. From there they told me to send my birth certificate to RSI and printed out a form from their computer, what I need to send to Mutuelle Sante - which I selected when I made registration. It kind of seems that this is the ‘data’ what they should send to Mutuelle Santé themselves, like I read from the forum? Well, anyway, I don’t mind doing that if needed.

Yesterday I received mail, titled Déclaration de choix du médecin traitant. Seems that it came from RSI, because of their logo. Is this the same declaration, what I need to receive from RSI? What confuses me, is that just below RSI logo is written Mutuelle Santé and their address, what is also on the declaration page, like it came from there. And in declaration is section of Identification du médecin traitant where I need to write no. d’identification du médecin, nom et prénom etc. I don’t have any personal doctors in France, I moved here about 1.5 years ago but I’ve been in good health and haven’t even visited any doctors here. I need to send filled form back (to Mutuelle Sané I guess, cause there isn’t any other addresses, besides theirs. As a recipient written Le Responsable de votre Organisme Conventionné. I’m not sure what to do next.

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