Health care coverage as a salaried employee?

· Viewed 1836 times

I recently started working for a French company as a salaried employee, under the Carte Bleue Europeene regime. I officially started working Sep. 2 and expect to be paying social charges on my first salary, paid in a few days (as will my employer). My employer paid all dues and applied for a social security number on my behalf. This is still in process and we were told it will take a few weeks. I am trying to understand the implications on health coverage:

  • Am I currently covered under the health care system? (let me also note that my employer added me to a mutuelle plan)
  • If so, in case of medical need, should I just keep receipts until my social security is approved and I get a carte vitale?
  • If not, when will I be covered from? the date the the social security is approved?
  • In the application for the social security my employer asked to attach my wife to my file. Is my wife, who is currently unemployed, covered? Does the fact that she is waiting to be invited for a medical visit at OFII as part of the Carte de Sejour application relevant at all?
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