Health care possibly in a muddle.

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I moved to France with my partner in June 2017. I’m continuing to work for my UK company 3 days a week in London, 2 days a week in France and set up my micro entrepreneur for my paying hobby on a weekend. The French and UK social security offices between them took 8 months to decide how my healthcare should be covered, ending up with the UK giving myself and my partner form S1 and my dossier was submitted to the CPAM office at the end of April. Separately to this obviously when I registered my micro entrepreneur (In January), that dossier was sent to the RSI - although that is now part of CPAM anyway. We’ve spoken to the CPAM english speaking helpline who says we are registered but we’ve not had anything through the post yet, but I have received a social security number from the RSI CPAM office. I’m wondering if I’m going to end up with 2 social security numbers and have everything in a complete muddle and how difficult it will be to sort out?...

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