Help needed with APE codes for handyman, labourer and property rental?

· Viewed 2052 times

I would like to register as an auto-entrepreneur business with two separate income sources here in France. A rental income from my property and as a handyman. I wish to work as an unskilled labourer / handyman. I am not qualified so I can’t register as an artisan so I gather the homme de toutes mains is the best code to use. I have downloaded all the info from aides publiques à la création d’entreprise (APCE) but if I read correctly, under this code the average job should last an hour or two and invoice less than 300 euro max.

I intend to work part time as and when jobs arise, hoping to average an annual income of about 15,000 euros, but I would expect most jobs to take an average of 3-5 days, billing higher than the max that APCE state. For example, I have been approached recently by a client looking for a labourer for a couple of weeks doing odd jobs, fixing broken floor tiles, sanding window frames etc. and mixing render for a team of guys working on the exterior walls.

If this is typical work of the work I wish to do, would I be better registering as a labourer? I picked up on a thread on the forum somewhere saying if he is a pure labourer, he could be described as prestataire de services, i.e. service provider. Can I declare both rental and handyman incomes on one auto-entrepreneur registration? Which code would suit me best, prestataire de services or homme de toutes mains? Do I need to declare monthly rental income under a different code to seasonal holiday rental income?

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