Hosting language students - is chambre d’hôte best structure?

James in France
· Viewed 1202 times

Dear Valerie,

We have just started hosting French teenagers to stay at our house to improve their English and I’m looking for the best business structure for this. From that we receive income for accommodation/food plus as an option English lessons. We expect to receive around 4000€ a year from the accommodation and maybe 1000€ a year from the teaching.

I registered as an auto-entrepreneur 3 years ago and have been declaring project management income (through URSSAF) from that since then. I earn around 5000€ to 8000€ a year through this. My wife is currently an ayant droit on my carte vitale.

My thoughts are to register as a chambre d’hôte for the accommodation income and for my wife to register as a micro-entrepreneur for the teaching income – but I am quite confused by many things I have read on the web.

Could you please confirm if the following is true?

  1. For chambres d’hôtes with less than about 5000€ income per year there is no need to register or pay social security contributions.
  2. I have also read that there is no need to register, but the income is subject to the “contribution sociale sur les revenus du patrimoine” at the global rate of 15.5%.
  3. I have also read that you can register as micro-entrepreneur and pay around 13% social contributions.
  4. On your site you mention that we could register as LMNP (as I currently pay contributions on my other business) – and pay no social contributions but just impots. I believe there is also an automatic 71% deduction for expenses.
  5. Could we include the teaching income as one of the “services” that we offer though our chambre d’hôte, and thus avoid having to register the teaching as a separate business (and hopefully avoid the social charges too)?

Are there any likely implications for my wife and her ayant droit on my carte vitale depending on what options we take?

Many thanks is advance,

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