How and when to declare auto-entrepreneur revenue?
· Viewed 1736 times
I registered as an auto-entrepreneur on 08/04/13, and my services are 7022Z (coaching and consulting). I thought I saw in one of the dozens of papers I received that I need to declare my revenues by 08/07 and that’s why yesterday I went and registered online at I am confused over a few things:
- I can’t find an option to declare my revenues on the site. I keep seeing the message Vous n´avez pas accès aux déclarations pour le moment. Revenez un peu plus tard. Les délais d’accès pour chaque déclaration sont renseignés sur le site. How should I proceed?
- On the page Sélectionnez les déclarations de l´entreprise, I chose only Auto-Entreprise and nothing else. Am I supposed to select anything else?
- I was also given an option to print out a page confirming my bank account with my IBAN and send it to Centre de traitement net-entreprises. Am I supposed to do it?