How can I arrange maternity leave to be covered by my unemployed status?

· Viewed 2086 times

I’m both a unemployed and an auto-entrepreneur. Most months I earn too much as an auto-entrepreneur to get any chomage, but on my slow months I do get money from Pole Emploi. As of today, I’m set to receive benefits for another year, and my understanding is that for every month I don’t get payments, because I earned too much as an auto-entrepreneur, my chomage gets pushed another month, so this could easily extend through 2016 or beyond.

I am now pregnant, and will be going on maternity leave in August 2015. I sent in my declaration de grossesse to the Sécu (which provides my health care) and the CAF. I would much rather have my maternity leave covered by my unemployed status (through the Sécu, for 16 weeks) than by my auto-entrepreneur status (I think only 6 weeks? much less, anyway). How can I ensure this happens? Do I just declare 0 euros to URSSAF for the months I’m on leave and never really tell them I’m pregnant?

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