How can I declare my trimestrielle de recettes en ligne?
I have been an auto-entrepreneur as an independent language teacher since August 2015 and have, so far, earned nothing. In mid September I received a declaration trimestrielle de recettes in the post. I saw that the declaration et le versement peuvent etre realises sur and so I went there and chose declarer et payer en ligne since I thought although there was not anything to pay, I would still have to declare that.
I regisrered on this site which then redirected me to where I was faced with a massive list of tick box options, none of which seem to match my paper form On the paper form there are two lines
- 688 (activites relevant de la CIPAV)
- 578 (formation prof. liberale obligatoire).
However, this list on the net-enterprises site is much longer and includes things like:
- DSN régime général - Déclaration sociale nominative pour le régime général
- DSN régime agricole - Déclaration sociale nominative pour le régime agricole
- AC (dépôt) - Attestation d’assurance chômage - dépôt
- Auto-entreprise - Déclaration de l’auto-entrepreneur
- C3S - Contribution sociale de solidarité des sociétés
- DPAE (ex-DUE) - Déclaration préalable à l’embauche
- DSI (ex-DCR) - Déclaration sociale des indépendants
- DUCS - Déclaration unifiée de cotisations sociales
How can I know which to choose? Is it too early to declare anything because it is only just under two months since I started?