How can I keep my carte vitale?

· Viewed 2335 times

I have had a contrat à durée déterminée (CDD) contract for the last 2 years from February to October and informed URSSAF that my auto-entrepreneur was my secondary means of employment. This year my employer, whose main company is English, decided that I am to go on an English contract to save them money, i.e. bonus at the end of the year and the employer’s contributions to the French system.

It means I will loose my carte vitale and I can only think that he can employ me partly as an auto-entrepreneur and partly on an English contract to keep my carte vitale. Looking at various items that have changed this year I will need to register with RCS at 90 euros and also pay an additional tax each trimester of 0.044% as frais de chambre and also pay for a separate bank account.

As an auto- entrepreneur is there a minimum I need to work to maintain my carte vitale? I will also have to have other clients under the auto-entrepreneur scheme and are there max or min limits on this as they may give me a 12 month English contract but at reduced salary than before.

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