How do I get my business Carte Vitale back to RAM?

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I spoke to you a year ago about difficulties in returning to being an auto-entrepreneur business in France after working under a contrat à durée déterminée (CDD) contract for two years. I recharged my Carte Vitale this year and realised I had been changed to caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM) on my Carte Vitale due to paying cotistation.

I arranged a meeting with régime social des indépendants (RSI) who informed me I needed to speak to RAM my health assurance provider. I had a meeting with RAM and they said that I needed to go back to RSI and talk to them again and perhaps do some declaration to get my Carte Vitale back to RAM not CPAM. I have about six months to do this before it does not work and I will be without a Carte Vitale.

I have a meeting with RSI on 7 July is there some specific form I need to fill out?

I always continued to work and pay a small amount to RSI every Trimestre as an auto-entrepreneur while I was working under a CDD contract. I did as you suggested at the time and wrote to RSI and unions of social security contributions and family allowances (URSSAF) to say my auto-entrepreneur was a secondary means of employment each year. When I finished I wrote to them both again to say that I no longer worked in that capacity and was working as my auto-entrepreneur and again paid as usual each trimestre last year to RSI.

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