How do I get my wife on my carte vitale?

· Viewed 2090 times

I have received a letter from RSI and from my Adrea Mutuelle concerning my health cover but it only mentions myself and does not include my wife, though I did specify her inclusion when I registered with the Chambre de Metiers. She is also not on the attestation de carte d’assure social which was with the letter. It does mention sending additional paperwork if the information is not correct but does not specify exactly what. I can only assume they may want a copy of my marriage certificate does it need to be translated as it just says un certificate de vie maritale but does not stipulate a translated copy.

Also there is a statement:

Afin de nous permettere d’effectuer rapidement vos remboursements, merci de nous addresser un Releve D’identite Bancaire Personnel accompagné du coupon ci-après dument complete.

Why would they need to pay me back, are any costs incurred not paid automatically from them to my doctor?

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