How do businesses in France share costs?
· Viewed 1448 times
I think I should say desole for not answering your last reply.
- I should explain, if it is decided that the three business owners in France set-up separately, we still need to share the costs of website, marketing and the ancillary activities such as caretaking and linen service. I was asking can we legally operate a shared bank account from which payments would be made for all of us and which each of us must pay in our percentage of the running costs?
- We are travelling to France on Thursday and have an appointment with the Notaire on Friday morning. If based on what I have described you still think we should consider setting up as an individual micro-entrepreneur business in France? I would certainly prefer to use your expertise to do it; however, can you advise me if we need to take any local actions such as contacting one of the local tax offices/tourist board etc? We plan on getting some recognitions such as Clevacances, Gite de France.