How do I add property management to my existing business?

· Viewed 1829 times

I recently aksed a question on how to add property management, e.g. key holding, reading meters, checking property and preparing property for owner’s arrival, to my existing business in France. I am registered as an agent commercial> working for an immobilier (just one) and you recommended that I go to the Greffe where I originally registered and ask them to add services de concierege.

They say they cannot add the code as it’s not a commercial activity and that I should go to URSSAF. I have read through similar questions on here and see that you recommend autres services personnel in cases like this. Does this apply to my case? Could I get that code added at the Greffe or do I have to go to URSSAF or the chambre de metier? If chambre de metier, will I have to do the obligatory course?

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