How do I become an agent commercial for an immobilier in France?
· Viewed 1901 times
I have recently moved to France and I am looking for my first employment post in this country. One option I have is agent commercial for an immobilier. I have read through all the previous posts on this subject but with laws constantly changing I wanted to be sure I am armed with correct information.
- Can I now practice this work under auto entrepreneur or do I have to register as micro enterprise / regime micro social?
- Do I need to visit the chamber de commerce?
- I understand I need to visit the Greffe de Tribunal and register on Register des Argents commercial. Is this a quick process and where do I find Greffe?
- Added to this I have a small craft business that I would like to continue with, would it be possible to run this along side the above job.
- Is there a cost to all these registrations or any course I would need to go on?