How do I calculate and pay the tax my business owes?
· Viewed 1635 times
I am getting ready to file my first auto-entrepreneur declaration trimestrielle de recettes. I registered as an auto-entrepreneur business in France in August 2015. Between that date and 31 December I have earned 11,383 dollars.
On the form it looks like I have to pay these taxes:
- 689 Prestations de services non commerciales at 25.1%
- 578 Formation Prof Liberale Obligatoire at 0.2%
To figure out what I owe, do I simply put the total earnings in euros under the column recettes trimestrielles arrondies and then add together the two taxes, rounding off to the nearest euro, i.e. (10,479 x 25.1%) + (10,479 x 0.2%) = 2,630 + 21 = 2,651 euros (Montant à payer)?
- To convert my turnover to euros, is it OK to use today’s exchange rate, according to Google, or is there an official rate to use?
- Will URSSAF send me a new declaration every trimester?
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- Can I pay these taxes online?