How do I change option versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu?

· Viewed 1825 times

I sent a letter to impots asking to change option versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu. Today I’ve got an answer:

Je ne comprend pas le sens de ce courrier. Voulez vous cesser votre activite d’auto-entrepreneur? Voulez vous opter pour un autre regime d’imposition?

In your business blog article Auto-entrepreneur to be renamed micro-entrepreneur business on 1 January 2016 in the part micro entrepreneur and income tax your write that micro-entrepreneur will only be able choose Impot liberatoire if his/her reference income foyer fiscal is 26,764 euros/person.

My income is much smaller. Does it mean that my business will be switched to regime micro, i.e. declared once a year, automatically from 1 January 2016?

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