How do I check the CFE demand calculations?

· Viewed 1691 times

I have just received the CFE demand for my EURL for 2011. I’d like to know how to check the calculations, particularly for the largest amount, which is the taxe pour frais de chambres de metiers et de l’artisanat. I am being charged a percentage based on the base d’imposition, but how do the tax office arrive at a figure for base d’imposition in the first place?

Secondly, the APCE website says that an exoneration might apply for a EURL qui pratiquent une activité où le travail manuel est prépondérant. My official trade is installation, maintenance, and sale of specialised machinery, but for 2011 there were no machinery sales, just installation work which is of a manual nature. Is it too late to apply for an exoneration for 2011?

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