How do I complete CFE 2015 initial declaration form?

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Section B1: Renseignements pour l’ensemble de l’entreprise
Presumably I put the date I commenced business in sub-section 1, ignore 2… as it appears to relate employees? Is it right?

Section B2: Renseignements pour l’etablissement. Do I just complete sub-section 1 (0)? Is it right?

I got Notice Pour Remplier La Declaration Initiale N 1447C with my N 1447-C-K. And there are explanations for some sub-sections. So both: sub-section 2 in Section B1 and sub-section 1 in Section B2 have the same description which sounds: Nombre de salaries employes au cours de l’annee civile 2014. But your guidance says:

Section B1: 2. Number of people employed in the business, including yourself. Presumably 1 employee?

Section B2: 1. Number of employees. Presumably 0 employees?

Can you confirm that Nombre de salaries employes au cours de l’annee civile 2014 in Section B1 means 1 employee but the same Nombre de salaries employes au cours de l’annee civile 2014 in Section B2 means 0 employees.

I didn’t employ other people, so do I just complete both sections zero, or both sections 1, 1 in B1 and 0 in B2?

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