How do I complete form 751-SD?
I have now successfully registered to be an auto-entrepreneur business (by paperwork not via the internet), via my Chambre des Metiers. I am registered Artisan (travaux de charpente) and I have received my documents from the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE). Today I received a letter from my local impôts des entreprises étrangères (SIE) requesting me to complete form 751-SD.
It asks: Détail (en m2) de l’affectation de la superficie à usage:
- professional
- industrial
- commercial
- d’habitation
Then it asks: Détail (en m2) de l’utilisation des surfaces à usage professional en:
- magasin
- entrepot
- bureaux
- autres à preciser
I understand that this is to do with the cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) taxe that I must pay, but although my business address must be registered as my home address, my work is sur chantier. At home, I perhaps use just a desk and computer, approximately 1m2. How should I answer the questions.