How do I complete quarterly online auto entrepreneur declaration?

· Viewed 1842 times

I have lodged a radiation form with URSSAF to close my auto-entrepreneur business on 26 June 2015. URRSAF has responded by asking me to complete an online Declaration Trimestrielle for 2er Trimestre 2015. Unfortunately, in all previous declarations I completed these by returning the paper form, so I watched your video on how to register via When I requested a password by entering my Siret, name, number, etc, the following message appears in bolded red text:

Les erreurs suivantes se sont produites : L’établissement indiqué est inactif, veullez recommencer en indiquant un établissement actif.

Please advise me on how to overcome this hurdle, as I don’t understand at all. Alternatively, I would be happy to complete a paper declaration for this trimestre in order to close my account with URSSAF. Are these available somehow before the end of the present trimestre?

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