How do I complete tax form 2042 C PRO?

· Viewed 1757 times

I’m an auto-entrepreneur business and completing the French tax form 2042 C PRO. I received an attestation fiscal 2014 auto-entrepreneur (régime micro social simplifié) from RSI with the amount to declare and the boxes on the form in which to enter this figure. So far so good. However, I am confused about the part of the form where I have to indicate my régime d’imposition. The options are:

  • Reel
  • Régime Micro
  • Forfait
  • Auto-entrepreneur

I assumed I would tick auto-entrepreneur, but the statement from RSI that I mentioned above states:

Je vous précise que les montants sont à déclarer sous les rubriques du régime micro enterprise… En effect, les rubriques auto-entrepreneur concernent les redevables ayant opté pour le versement libératoire de l’impot sur le revenu.

I have not opted for versement libératoire, so am I interpreting this as an instruction to tick régime micro rather than auto-entrepreneur - is this correct?

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