How do I complete these forms?

Richard B
· Viewed 1721 times

I recently registered online as an auto-entrepreneur (September) as a manufacturer of sports equipment. Purely to give me something to do in retirement. Now accumulating a pile of forms to fill in but limited French making it a nightmare. Probably things you have answered a few thousand times. Can you point me to any previous examples explained in English for the following:

  1. CFE form.
  2. Demandes de pieces d’etat civil. Appear to have 2 of these from the RSI. One from Bruges dated 23 Nov and one from Auray dated 19th Nov.
  3. Declaration trimestrelle - which is obviously a tax return. Do I pay tax on items I have sold since September and does the amount I have spent on materials for stock (few thousand €‘s) figure in this somewhere?
  4. Contribution economique territoriale appears to be asking questions about premises.
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