How do I correct an over declaration?

· Viewed 1618 times

I am an English language trainer and have just completed my declaration for the 4th trimester. When I added up all my declarations of receipts and tallied it with my bank statements I found I had over declared on the 3rd trimester by about 700 euros.

  1. Should I just leave it as it is or should I take the difference from the 4th trimester? I think I can modify payments declared until 31st, but this would mean I was not making an accurate declaration for the final trimester. If I did this my income and receipts for the year overall would be correct.
  2. I received letters from Humanis and Agirc/Arrco two years ago when I became an auto-entrepreneur but ignored them. My husband has just become an auto-entrepreneur and has received the same letters. Are they for retraite complementaire - as in a mutuelle for health and are they optional or need to answering?
  3. Can we continue to make a joint tax submission as I did in May, or what is the best thing to do?
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