How do I fill in form 2042C?
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I am trying to complete form 2042C for my first tax declaration as a auto entrepreneur registered business here in France. I have a chambre d’hôtes run in my principal residence by myself and it is my only source of income. Régime social des indépendants (RSI) have sent me an attestation fiscale for 2015 to help me. They are saying fill in 5KO, 5LO, and 5MO and for the prestations BIC/BNC fill in 5KP, 5LP and 5MP.
- I have looked at the form and surely I should be filling in 5NG as a chambre d’hôtes?
- Do i fill in all three columns, and do I just leave all non applicable lines blank?
- I also have a 2042 to complete as well - do I need to fill in any parts of that?