How do I fill in the 2015 CFE form?

· Viewed 2019 times

I am in the process of completing my 2015 Contribution Fonciere des Entreprises (CFE) form and am using your comprehensive blog post about the CFE (which is great) but I have two questions:

  1. In section C #21 - I work from home but teach in clients’ homes/colleges. Could I just double check that because I teach away from home I do have other locals at my disposition so I wouldn’t need to complete this box? Are they counted as locals?

    The form I received in the post and found online for this year is slightly different to the example given in your post which uses the 2013-14 CFE form. I am currently using the fillable PDF form here.

  2. In section B2 #4 which refers to autoentrepreneurs on your form whereas on the 2015 form B2 #4 it refers to micro-entrepreneurs. As an auto-entrepreneur, do I need to fill this in? All of the other questions are the same as the paper version I received in the post (which also asked about micro-entrepreneurs, not auto-entrepreneurs). The question B2 #4 asks about the start date of the AE/ME but that is an answer I have already given (above in section B1 #1).
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