How do I get a business loan for a new business?
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I have a question about business loans in France. I am in the process of setting up a store in Lyon. I am able to finance the store with my own money but I did go to my USA bank and asked them if I would be eligible for a line of credit and / or small business loan. They said no because they cannot lend money to a business set up in France because it would not be registered in USA and they can’t loan under these circumstances because the business is not considered to be a USA business. This was a well-known USA bank so I assume all other banks in USA would say the same.
- Am I eligible to apply for a business loan with a French bank once I set up and register the business in Lyon?
- Do French banks even do this? I have the impression from my time spent living in France that they do not lend money as easily as does USA banks.
- Would I first have to have the location already rented before I would be eligible in France for a loan?