How do I get my card vitale and attestation confirming health care cover?

The Parsnip Patch
· Viewed 1949 times

My husband’s auto-entrepreneur was set up in the end of July 2010. The only correspondence we have received about healthcare so far from RSI is a; Notification de Situation entitiled Avis d’appel de Cotisation. I believe that it advises that he has healthcare - Nous avons bien enregistre votre demand d’immatriculation. Vous etes redevable de votre cotisation d’assurance maladie obligatoire... it then goes on to show the calcul de vos cotisations and shows this on the invoice below as zero. We have not recieved a card vitale or an attestation confirming health care cover. At the time of setting up the auto-entrepreneur my husband noted me on the form as a personnes demandant a beneficier de L’assurance Maladie, but it makes no mention of me on the notification from RSI. I do not work for the auto-entrepreneur.

I have tried to contact them via phone (0811013030) but there is an automated premium rate service on the number and I can not find my way through the menu. They are in Le Mans so it is not possible to visit them as we are many miles away. I have also just spotted that the immatriculation number on the notification and the one on the declaration trimestrielle bill from URSAFF differ (the last two digits differ). Please help as I don’t know how to resolve this situation.

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