How do I get my Extrait Kbis and statuts from?

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I registered as an auto-entrepreneur a few week ago (18 February) and gave my principal activity as Redacteur de textes anglais, correcteur les epreuves de livres. I edit PhD theses and books. I’ve since received a letter from INSEE with SIREN/SIRET numbers and I’ve been assigned an Activite Principale Exercee (APE) code.

I’ve just received a letter from AUDIENS (Le Protection Sociale Professionelle: Culture—Communication—Medias). They say they assure la protection sociale complementaire de salaries de votre secteur d’activite tant de retraite (Arrco et Agirc), and they want me to fill in aFiche de renseignements - they say it is obligatory to return it within a fortnight. I have to provide them with both extrait Kbis and statuts. I haven’t received either of these 2 items from anyone yet. Are these likely to follow in the post automatically after my initial registration as an auto-entrepreneur, or do I need to chase them at some office somewhere?

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