How do I get started as an auto-entrepreneur with a Carte De Sejour?

· Viewed 1960 times

My wife and I recently moved to Paris as I am working for a French company. We are under the Carte Bleue Europeene visa status which entitles her to a Carte De Sejour - Vie Privee et Familale and authorisation to work. She will be doing contract work as an online marketing consultant for a US company and will look for additional clients, which we understand is a requirement for the auto-entrepreneur status. Several questions about the first steps to get started:

  1. We haven’t gotten our Carte de Sejour yet. Do we need to notify the prefecture that she will be working as an auto-entrepreneur?
  2. Can she register as an auto-entrepreneur before getting the CDS?
  3. How long does the registration process for auto-entrepreneur typically take?
  4. Can she work before registering as an auto-entrepreneur and invoice for it once her business is registered?
  5. Is the registration process entirely online or are there steps required in person?
  6. My wife is 29. Is she eligible for ACCRE? If so, what is the process for doing so?
  7. Since I am salaried and paying social charges monthly, are we both covered by the health insurance or does her coverage start only when her registration is processed?
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