How do I make my first auto-entrepreneur business declaration in France?

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My business declaration was due yesterday, on the 30 April. I received this form a week ago and set it aside because I was busy. The first form I received came several weeks before the due date, so I assumed I had plenty of time. Will I be penalised for being a couple days late?

I registered with net enterprises thinking I could pay quicker that way, but the online form looks very confusing. Can I still just mail in a check using the URSSAF form? If so, how do I fill out the URSSAF form? The only place to write something is in the cotisations arrondies boxes and I don’t understand that. Under Activities it says:

  • Activites relevant de la CIPAV 22.9%
  • Formation Prof Liberale Obligatoire 0.2%

Does that mean I pay 23.1% of whatever I was paid?

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