How do I open a boarding kennels in France?

· Viewed 2234 times

Is there anyone on here who has successfully done this who can take me through some of the stumbling blocks I have already encountered?  For example:

Forms for setting up as an Auto-Entrepreneur on line do not seem to have a category that would visibly allow you to declare your intention to start this sort of business. Forms for the permission to purpose build the kennels (PC) likewise give many options for various projects, but nowhere can I find a box to tick that mentions a category that comes even close to dog kennels. The license needed (CC) seems straight forward enough and how to go about taking the exam, always supposing my French is good enough!

I would be grateful to have someone who has been through the whole thing and has some time to spare to, point me in the right direction, highlight pitfalls and just generally either feel able to let me give them a call for a chat or answer some of the above queries.

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