How do I pay CFE payment late?

· Viewed 1472 times

I am late paying my first year of cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) 2015 for my business in France. I had not received any notification and it slipped my mind. I have however read that the deadline now is 15 February. I have registered on Impots and have been sent the number to unlock my space which I have done today. I have then used your instructions to pay it online however once I get into the paiements window I don’t find a facture for 2015, but I receive this message:

Aucune information n’a été trouvée concernant votre choix : Les paiements : Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises/Taxe professionnelle.

Is it just because my account is new and the facture has not been added perhaps or possibly because I am late?

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