How do I pay contribution fonciere des entreprises?

Red Knight
· Viewed 1620 times
  1. On the page to create an espace professionel one has to enter a Siren number of 9 characters. Ours has 14 characters. Do I put in the first 9 characters or perhaps the last 9?
  2. If I understand it correctly, you do not have to enter an electronic address if it is for a single enterprise. Is this correct? If it is not correct, where do I find such an address?
  3. It is unclear to me as to how they calculate the tax. On our bill it appears to be 32.23% of the valeur locative des biens passible de taxe fonciere. What does that mean? It is obviously not calculated on a real figure of turnover as this year’s figures are not yet complete unless it is based on last year’s?
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