How do I pay my declaration trimestrielle de recettes online?
· Viewed 1256 times
I registered my business (I’m in digital marketing) in France in February this year, and earned nothing for the first trimester, so declared nothing and heard nothing from URSSAF. Having now had some business in, I need to pay my contribution for this trimester, and don’t have a cheque book so need to do so online.
I have an account on the site which I can access, but I’m confused by the page I am faced with when I click on acceder a la declaration. The summary is correct, it shows no income so far. It seems like I need to attach a folder declaring my income, but gives no details as to what needs to be included here, or what format it should be in… other than it can be a text file or a compressed file.
- How do I lay out this attached document?
- Should it be a simple declaration of what I brought in for the period in question, or does it need to be broken down into separate amounts for each job?
- Perhaps I should just copy the layout of the paper declaration form?