How do I pay URSSAF retrospectively?

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My husband registered as an auto-entrepreneur business in late 2012 for consultancy work in France under profession liberale. He has just been asked for details of his Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales (URSSAF) contributions by our accountant but can’t provide these as he hasn’t paid any. He didn’t realise the quarterly bills from Régime social des indépendants (RSI) didn’t cover his consultancy work as well as his Loueur Meublé Professionnel (LMP) activity.

We now realise that RSI does LMP but URSSAF does profession liberale. All of his consultancy income has been diligently declared to the Impots for Inland Revenue. He is wondering if he should now declare all of his consultancy income so far for 2015 in the third quarter declaration. This assumes he is still registered with URSSAF. What do you think is the best approach to regularise the situation for this and the previous years please?

My husband’s ignorance was compounded by the fact that he has never received a request for contributions from URSSAF, unlike with RSI. It appears that he should have known it was up to him to declare his income online to URSSAF at the end of every quarter.

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