How do I set up a micro-entrepreneur business in France?
· Viewed 1816 times
I am married, from a non-EU country and currently in France on a Vie Privée visa, by the process of family reunion. My spouse works on a contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI) contract. This is my first stay in France on a long stay visa. I have no bank account, no business or social security number etc.
I had an online business back in my home country, which was reasonably successful and I am looking to set up the same businesses in France. These were my business:
- I have built websites in the past that get a good amount of traffic. I am planning to start running Google ads in France. As per my estimates, the advertising revenue per year (gross) will be around 20,000 euros in the first year. There is no to very little cost expense in this business.
- I also did freelance consulting for small business clients in the past and can bring in a few clients now. There is no to very little cost expense in this business. Most of the clients are likely to be from USA/Canada or Australia.
- I have another business, which is known as online affiliate marketing. I help get leads and sales for US/Canada based business and they pay me a percentage commission for every sale or lead. The cost expense here is quite high, as I pay money for advertising, designers for creating ads etc. Back in my home country, I made two euros for every one euro spent, and is most likely going to be the case here as well.
All the three business can be run from my home, with the only capital expense being electricity, internet, laptop and laptop accessories. I don’t plan to hire any full time employees, but will depend on freelance workers online, from time to time.
- I have researched about the micro-entrepreneur, entrepreneur individuel à responsabilité limitée (EIRL) and portage salarial business schemes. Which business structure in France suits me best, if I take all the three businesses into account. Personally, I am keen on businesses one and two as soon as possible, and add in the business three variant later.
- What are the formalities do I need to do - bank account, social sec and how? My spouse suggested to add me on her bank account as well as her existing carte vitale / caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM), but I advised waiting till I get some clarity on this forum.
- Taxes / TVA / other registrations?