How do I setup a software development and IT business in France?

· Viewed 1619 times

My wife and I intend to relocate from the UK to France later this year. Currently I’m full-time employed and also carry out freelance software development in my spare time via a UK limited business. I’ll be leaving my full-time job but am intending to carry on with the freelance business once we’re in France. Annual turnover is usually around £5,000, which I’m hoping to increase but could equally go down. 90% of turnover is usually from a single main customer so I’m currently largely dependent on their continuing business.

I’ve also previously sold stand-alone software (which I’ve developed myself), and carried out general IT work for individual customers, e.g. repair, virus removal, data recovery etc. I’m also intending to return to these activities once in France.

  1. Will I be able to carry out all these business activities in France as an auto-entrepreneur?
  2. What business type(s) would I need to register as?
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