How do I start a business as an agent immobilier in France?
· Viewed 1992 times
I think I need to move from an auto-entrepreneur business (marketing consultant) to agent immobilier (mainly for seasonal rentals - not for the sale of property although perhaps this will be something I can enjoy getting into in the future. I have the list of requirements to apply for the necessary carte professionnelle, as published by the Ministere de L’Interieur and also the list from the local Prefecture.
- I have already got my Attestation de Comparabilite for my British qualification (which is Niveau II, BAC+4).
- I have a proposition for insurance RCP and can activate this ASAP once I am ready.
- I do not need the insurance garantie financiere as I will not be holding funds directly (I intend to declare this which seems normal).
- I estimate my income to be around 20,000 euros in 2015 (maybe 25,000 euros in 2016).
So now I would like your advice. I believe I am unable to remain an auto-entrepreneur if I am working as agent immobilier. Please can you confirm this. If this is the case, could you please advise what legal set up I should go for and how, and also when, i.e. is it sometimes best to wait until the end of the year i.e. December?