How do I start a cooking and delivery business from home in France?

· Viewed 1900 times

I work in France and live with my wife son. We have our residence permits (titre de sejour) for me and my wife until at least August 2016. My wife wants to start a home business. She wants to set up a small scale home business to cook Indian food and deliver to people’s residence. The choices will be just a few initially and for 3 to 4 days a week. Based on the response, we can increase the number of days and number of items in menu in the later months. Our house owner is fine too with the idea.

We are wondering if we need to register a business in France. If yes, then we would like to know how and where to register. We do not know the prerequisites to start such a business. What are the other things to consider before and after start of our kind of business?

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