How do I use to declare business income?
I established my auto-entrepreneur business on the 1 of May this year in France, under the Profession Liberale category (preparation of documents, etc.). I then received a letter from Service des Impôts des Entreprises regarding CFE-IFER for 2015 and mentioning a 15 June deadline. Am I right in thinking this doesn’t apply to me as my business didn’t exist in 2015?
I registered on the website and took the completed bank mandate to my bank. Now, however, I’m trying to declare what I’ve earned since 1 May but I keep running into dead ends on the website. For instance, following the path Mon espace > Gérer mes services > Adhérer aux services en ligne > Consulter le compte fiscal, will not allow me to select any of the checkboxes.
Trying the route under Mes services > Consulter > Compte fiscal leads me to the page with the blue drop down menus regarding Accès par Impôts, Historique des Paiements, etc. but any item I can click gives me an Aucune information n’a été trouvée concernant votre choix message. Any idea what I’m missing?
Are all taxes and social charges administered through this account on this website? Or am I neglecting another rabbit hole?