How do we setup a property development business in France?

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Can you advise if it is possible or viable to run a property development company in France and what would be the best way to approach this? We both have many years experience of doing this in the UK already and would like to set up together. We have a maison secondaire here already and would like to renovate and sell it. One of the downsides I see is the huge charge for plus value. My husband can do all the work, electrician in the UK and very handy. I realise some would have to be completed by specific artisans. I have much experience with smaller scale work, decorating, painting etc. and the interior design.

The sale of the maison secondaire would provide capital to carry on to the next project. I forsee selling maybe 1 property a year to start with, depending on financial climate, costs, work involved. We have experience selling property privately in France and the UK so there would be no costs there. I would be very grateful to receive any advice you could provide. Also, what is the French term for property development?

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