How does revenu de solidarité active (RSA) work in France?
· Viewed 2047 times
I have registered with the pole emploi and I have an appointment with a social worker next week as they have said I am eligible for revenu de solidarité active (RSA). Current situation, a couple, no income with a child (three years).
- Please can you confirm the total allowance for this?
- I will be covering someone for some cleaning work, for one month only, every Friday, total amount of work four hours each day, ten euros per hour and will be paid by cheque emploi. 16 hours in total, max payment 160 euros. I will of course make the social worker aware of this.
- How does this impact my RSA allowance?
- Can you confirm how the RSA Revenu actif works? Total income limit etc. and how this impacts the RSA socle payment.