How long can we use auto entrepreneurs as contract workers?

· Viewed 2074 times

We have now made the change up to become an entreprise individuelle à responsabilité limitée (EIRL) registered business in France. Really pleased as it’s opened lots of new prospects for us and as a builder the social charges aren’t that much more now we can deduct everything and we can earn more money and take on bigger jobs. As a result we have quite a large job where we are using two auto-entrepreneurs, they both are established in their own right and have several of their own clients.

I would like to know if there is any update to the info on here from 2012 as to the amount of time that we can have them working for us? If it hasn’t changed from three months, if they were to go and complete another job independently for example a month, could they come back to us and start another three month stint?

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