How long to wait for a carte vitale?

· Viewed 2022 times

I have received another two letters from RAM in the same envelope, first one says:

Vous recevrez prochainement un support photo a completer et a retourner en vue de la delivrance de la nouvelle carte Vitale 2.Dans l’attente de cet envoi, nous vous joignons une attestation d’ouverture des droits. Veuillez nous adresser un acte de naissance pour votre conjointe pour nous permettre de faire le rattacement de son numero d’immatriculation au repertoire national. Vous en remerciant.

The second one says:

Nous avons bien pris en compte la demande de creation/renouvellement de la carte Vitale concernant le beneficiaire : Scrimhaw Christine (Scrimshaw is my wife’s maiden name). Nous interrogeons la caisse RSI afin d’obtenir toutes les information obligatoires qui nous permettrons d’adresser au plus tot la nouvelle carte Vitale 2. Dans cette attente, vous trouverez ci-joint une attestation reflet qui vous servira a justifier de vos droits aupres des professionnels de sante.

I think I have understood that they are making new carte vitales for both of us, or is it just my wife they are making a new card for? Both I and my wife did have carte Vitales (with our E106) but had to return them both when the E106 expired owing to the new rules after November 2007. So at present time we both have no carte Vitales.

I did send a letter to Ram stating this as they seemed to think I still had a carte Vitale and that I just had to update it with the new details of me now working, also I sent copies of the letter from CPAM asking for our cartes back and copies of both our birth certificates and marriage certificate. I do not understand why they are asking for my wife’s birth certificate again and why they are using her maiden name instead of her married name, but I guess this will be alright and cause no problems. As I have to send my wife’s birth certificate again do you think I should say again that I have no carte Vitale and that I need a new one making as well as my wife or do you think they have understood my letter explaining this the fiirst time.

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