How many different activities can I have in a French business?

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I’d like to start to expand my auto-entrepreneur business this year in France. I currently have one activity selling fishing bait, but I’d like to start diversifying a little into such things as gardening, laboring, handyman services and selling furniture via and Brocantes. I’ve been buying old furniture and restoring it for my own use for a while and am interested in perhaps trying my hand selling some of it.

I wouldn’t perform structural restoration work, I’d simply re-finish tatty looking furniture. I presume that adding value to furniture this way is insignificant and could simply operate under an APE code referring to selling on markets or the general sale of furniture, paying social charges at 13%, is this correct? But what if hand painted design work was added to furniture?

I can see myself operating various different activities. Do I officially need to state every activity, or is it enough simply to make sure I pay the correct amount of social charges for each activity so long as it isn’t regulated? If I do need to declare each activity, how do I add more beyond the primary and the secondary activities?

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